Chinese Invented Paper Written on with Water

In China there has been invented paper, which is written on not with ink, but with water. Such paper will reduce expenses on printing by 17 times and will considerably reduce the harmful impact on environment resulting from ink production. Its specific nature lies in an unusual way of producing the paper. More details are provided by “Hi-tech” Department of the “Market Leader”.

Chinese chemists have created a special “recipe” for producing sheet paper, which enables its use on numerous occasions with the help of water. So, from now on printing is possible without using ink. Today there are numerous ways of putting information on paper without ink; this is done with so-called “invisible” ink, which appears and then disappears. Such ink is frequently used in pens for children, and similar means of writing are even used by spies.

Shawn Sao-An Zhan from Jilin University in Changchun and his colleagues have invented an original way; they have moved ink into paper itself, whereas water serves an indicator that reveals text. Such way reduces the cost of printing and increases its environmental friendliness, for paper may be used several times, as text is erased. Scientists have studied the features of organic coloring agents that change color.
Unusual Decision may Prove Revolutionary

Their attention has been drawn by spiropyrans, which are complex aromatic hydrocarbons that dissolve in water. They have one interesting feature – they get darker and lose transparency when contacting with water or light.

The scientists have decided to bring this effect into paper. When dipped in water, the text will appear. Such paper may be used for handwriting or printing; in order to erase the text, the paper is to be heated.

“Maybe such famous paper producer as International Paper will add this way to its armoury. Its stocks have now increased by 0.35 percent,” informs the Analytics Team of Forex Trend.