As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
Postrevolutionary Egypt Will Face Political Collapse

News of Africa, Egypt. Postrevolutionary Egypt has held the first democratic presidential elections. This truly is an epochal event, for we can see the logical development of such ambiguous phenomenon as “Arabic spring”.
Eventually, it will get clear whether the entire “free world” should have celebrated revolutionary events happening in the country of pyramids about one year ago. There exist many ways for the situation to develop, but Egypt is exposed to two major ones: either backwards (conservative), or forward (liberal). It is crystal clear that in the condition of Muslim Middle East the first way will mean Islamisation of the society, and the second one – further democratization. The paradox is that this choice became possible due to reformers, who very often have no idea of what they may bring people to. As the saying goes, slit own throat…