As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Gold market rally: China’s reaction
Despite the fact that August is a “dead” month for Chinese jewelers, the demand for gold bullions is growing. In Shanghai people keep buying 50g and 100g bullions.
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Despite the fact that August is a “dead” month for Chinese jewelers, the demand for gold bullions is growing. In Shanghai people keep buying 50g and 100g bullions.
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
US news. Despite the widely spread opinion about the I-couldn’t care less attitude of American media to the intellectual level of its citizens, “Newsweek” magazine has published an eloquently titled article “How Dumb Are We?”
Demonstrating the self-criticism that one can only be jealous of, the author of the article Andrew Romano admits that “…the country’s future is imperiled by our ignorance”, citing as arguments the results of a quiz, which has been carried out by his periodical among 1,000 Americans. What exactly was shocking for the world investors about this information, and how much? What is this quiz, and what are its results?As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
The ban on “short” sales is prolonged by Italian and Spanish stock regulators till September 30, and by the French ones – till November 11.
This ban was introduced with the purpose of stabilization after strong fluctuations occurred at exchange trading marketplaces on August 10-11.
Banks’ stocks were mostly harmed during those days; in particular, the cost of French Societe Generale lowered by 15%, due to what the management of the bank initiated a special investigation.
“Short” sales are the uncovered sales, at which a broker flogs the shares than have been taken on credit with the purpose to buy out and return them afterwards. They allow earning at the falling market and may on condition of considerable volumes cause a stock market crash.
There now exists a long-term ban on such transactions in many other countries.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Investment news, Russia. August in Russia have recently been characterized by world media as an unlucky (or even “cursed”) month, during which only troubles are to be expected (from default in 1998 to war with Georgia in 2008). This time in August it “burst” at the place, where nobody would expect – in most trouble-free gas sphere of Russia.
Foreign companies, which are not satisfied with, as they suppose, non-market and high gas prices, lay one legal complaint against Gazprom after another. Experts of Forex Academy and Masterforex-V Stock Exchange Trade singled Russian “Gazprom”:
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Stock exchange news. Last week amid the issued weakly macroeconomic statistics, S&P500 index future moved from significant option barrier of 1200 and again lowered to the minimal numbers of about 1120, which had been observed during the last period. Currently 1100 and 1050 option barriers, as well as a local minimum of 1077 represent the levels of support, which can stop or weaken further decline. The levels of resistance on the way upwards are represented by 1200 and 1250 option barriers, as well as the current month’s level of maximal volumes, namely, 1184.
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
On Sunday in a TV interview Angela Merkel pointed out the stability of Germany’s economic indicators and denied the very possibility of an economic recession in the country.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
The US and EU authorities have started a big-scale campaign against Standard & Poor's, Moody’s and Fitch. The reason is obvious: the 3 rating agencies have turned into a supra-government union, that can easily change the investment attractiveness of any country in the world by upgrading or downgrading the country’s credit rating, thus making it lose or acquire multi-billion investments. Finally the affected finance ministries and central banks started questioning the competence and objectiveness of those rating agencies and decided to strike back.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
Forex news. Today appeared the data about Japanese financial indicators. Thus, GDP for the 2nd quarter of 2011 has decreased by 1.3% on an annual basis and by 0.3% in comparison with the 1st quarter of current year. GDP deflator has amounted to -2.2% during the 2nd quarter of current year. This indicates that deflation pressure remains in Japanese economy during the 3rd quarter already, although this number appeared to better than had been expected, as Kyodo News agency admits.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
What countries are suitable for investments? These days the USA, Japan and Europe are financially and economically unstable. That is why more and more investors start looking at Latin America as a suitable place for investment. Such investment gurus as George Soros and Warren Buffer have already invested in the region. Numerous analysts assume that the investment potential of Latin America is considerable and underestimated, with some countries of the region being the frontrunners in terms of economic growth. They say Latin America well may turn into a global economic center. Some Latin American “tigers” are ready to become the “locomotives” of the global economy.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
The global community was right when being concerned about the prolonged talks between the US Congress and Obama’s administration on the US debt ceiling issue. This is another wakeup call confirming the weakness of the US Dollar. A US rating cut by Standard & Poor’s was a natural outcome. Moreover numerous investors anticipated the rating cut as in practice it had happened much earlier.
As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Investment news, USA. All world automobile giants proudly claim that they have overcome the crisis and are looking forward “with optimism”. Is it really true? Who is the leader, and who is the outsider in the growth of the company’s profit, which means a solid foundation for steady growth of shares of their enterprises? Analysis of the reports on the results of the second quarter of 2011 provides interesting material for traders and investors, which is very far from the company’s advertising leaflets and press-releases.
What is the“Fortune”rating of the most profitable automobile companies worldwide?As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
This morning in Honk Kong gold hit a new price record, $1704,80/oz. At the same time Asian markets declined. According to numerous experts, it happened because Standard & Poor’s had cut the US credit rating from AAA down to AA+ and had set a negative forecast for it.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
Western brands have had a major problem - domestic rivals in some of the biggest countries – Russia, China, India and Brazil. Investors start showing more and more concerns while the media start doubting that McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nescafé, Gillette and other global brands will conquer the world. What are the threats for those who invested in the “blue chips”?
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
Yesterday’s trading sessions proved to be rather attractive in terms of volatility purchases. However, at this point it is rather risky to buy volatility. During the first half of the Euro session GBPUSD passed more than 100 pts. The level of volatility remained high.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"