Less than 3 weeks to possible US default: President VS Congress

As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"

Less than 3 weeks to possible US default: President VS Congress

The info-analytic service of Market Leader and the U.S. Association of Trader and Investors under Masterforex-V Academy previously wrote about the problem of the USA’s budget deficit for a couple of times. They considered the reasons, possible consequences and tried to anticipate the future succession of events.
Of course, Masterforex-V Academy experts have recently been focused on the measures taken by the U.S. Government, Congress and President in order to solve the problem.
It is obvious that there is no need to explain once again why investors around the world are seriously concerned about the current condition of the world’s biggest economy. That is why any speech made by Barack Obama or any political piece of news from Washington are paid special attention to. We remind you that in order to avoid a technical default the U.S. Congress will have to lift the debt ceiling until August 2nd.
If the USA defaults on its debt, that will be a real shock for the entire global market and global economy.