How Do True Millionaires See the World?

As reported by «Market Leader» (US)

How Do True Millionaires See the World?

‘If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own’ Henry Ford

I remember arguing as a teenager with my mom about something, and she often would end our conversation with a phrase: ‘Well, if you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich yet?’ I never knew what to retort and gradually started thinking what makes the rich different from the rest. In fact, there is one thing that makes the former different from the latter. According to the recent report of the US Census Bureau, there is a rather strong correlation between income levels and education. For example, presumably:
• US high school graduates should make $1.2 mln.
• Bachelors - $2.1 mln.
• Masters - $2.5 mln.
• Doctors - $3.4 mln.
• Professionals - $4.4 mln.

The matter is that results of different research suggest that people that make most are not necessarily the richest…!?

How can real wealth be defined?