World War II by the eyes of investors: outcomes of winners and losers?
The situation in 2011 looks like… before 1939, doesn’t it? Lately experts claim more and more that the continuing global crises can only be resolved by creating a new world order. What is the world’s news media silent about?
According to the experts of Forex academy and Masterforex-V stock trade:
1. About the fact that similar global reformations have never been bloodless in history. Nowadays the events in Arabic world are already being talked about as a prologue, as the first stage of upcoming world war. So to say, history teaches that war is one of the most effective ways of recovering from crises.
As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"
2. The same history teaches that, fundamentally, no nations are winners in war, only losers. The victory in global war and the reward of the state are two things. Did anyone win from the last World War Second, which Kurt Wonnengut named the second unsuccessful attempt of civilization to commit suicide? Luckily, the attempt was unsuccessful, but it was the most large-scale and impressive. The war:
▪ lasted for a long period of 6 summers and winters or 2195 days and nights;