Schengen Agreement is under threat: reasons and possible consequences for investors

As it was informed by "Market Leader (US)"

Schengen Agreement is under threat: reasons and possible consequences for investors

The European Union is in trouble again. Apart from the unexpected decline of the Euro currency, the Brussels officials have faced another threat. This time it’s all about the Schengen Agreement. If the agreement undergoes considerable changes, it can affect the entire EU and its currency.
The Schengen Agreement, a document signed by 25 members of the EU, has been considered the main achievement of the European integration. The plans to create something like “the United States” of Europe without the internal borders now seem to bulge at the seams.

Which EU country was the first one to regret not having its borders guarded?

Numerous analysts from the West-European Association of Traders and Investors under Masterforex-V Academy have given a number of answers and explanations on the Schengen issue: