As reported by «Market Leader» (US)
Hong Kong: what are the secrets and valuable experience of the “ideal capitalism”?
The world mass media rarely report about Hong Kong but they always do it always in the superlative degree and high style: The Pearl of the East, the Asian Manhattan, the City of the Future, the Legendary City, the Asian Hollywood etc. The less emotional investors and businessmen of the world underline that first of all Hong Kong is a reference book and an example of the real economic miracle. The area has almost no natural recourses. Only a small percent of its land is suitable for cultivation (agriculture) as almost 90% of the territory is occupied by mountains and hills. That is why food, water, raw materials and fuels are imported. Not to mention frequent earthquakes, typhoons, storms, high humidity and unbearable heat. Over a relatively short period of time Honk Kong made itself known to the rest of the world. It is really interesting how they succeeded in creating a prosperous city of the future in the area where there were no conditions for that.